Presentation of study on smart Cities from the Aegean University

Monday 19 September 2016 was organized at Radisson Blu Park Hotel in Athens, the 2nd International Congress of Things Internet 2016

From the Research Center for Electronic Governance, University of the Aegean, presented research of Yannis Charalabidis, associate professor at the University of the Aegean and Voyatzi Nicholas, MSC student in MTO "Egovernment" employee information technology Sofadon, for the interest of Municipalities on projects "smart cities".

Apopsi IoT Conference 2016
Apopsi IoT Conference 2016

Specifically presented the results of a survey conducted in may 2016. Then sent to all municipalities of the country questionnaire consisted of three sections. At first there were questions about the identity of the municipality and the property of the participant. The second requested by officers of municipalities dealing with ICT projects to answer for the actions of "smart cities" that had been implemented until then. Also indicate the sources of funding and with which bodies cooperated in the implementation of actions. On Tuesday requested to record the actions that it intends to implement the demos in the future.

In this first phase replied 65 municipalities, including the municipalities of Athens, Thessaloniki and Heraklion, Crete-most active in projects "smart cities" in Greece.

The results of research which aroused the interest of the participants. The investigation continues, in all of the Municipalities of Greece, in cooperation with the Kentrki Union of municipalities of Greece (KEDE).

Nikos Bogiatzis, from the Research Center for Electronic Governance
Nikos Bogiatzis, from the ereynas
gia Centre for e-governance